Wednesday, September 8, 2010


hi guys... i'm back again...

went down to KL wit my sis... wahaha... juz both of us...
so suang... my cousin fetch us go... lol.. first time gonna stay at my sis hostel...
so scare cuz whole house juz i am the only guy... lol... who knws all of them sibe热情lor...
cuz we arrive there around 10 something le.. so nvr go anywhere... juz ply maple
awhile, then sleep le... hahax...

my sis tell me to stay at house awhile, cuz she got class.. so i wait at her room...plying games..
wtf i think around half hour she come back.. so fast... say finish le... fine.. she call me
go cuci cuci... then go time square with her classmate... fuyoh... sit car to Kelana Jaya LRT station... sit train to Dang Wangi.... change line to Monorail... frm Bukit Nanas to Imbi..
there's time square... walao so many ppl o... sienz... shop shop shop... go Sg Wang.... wahaha..
fulamak.. the shirt ar cheap dao pet pet like tat ar... buy jor 1 shirt... 15 bucks nia... deng..
bobian cuz all my shirt kena curi... diao... then come back hostel... night time, cook at house..
wahaha.. everyone cook 1 dishes... lol.. salty, bitter, and no taste... wat also gt.. wahaha..
damn funny everyone at there... geng....

woke up 12 something... my sis gt class again until 5.30... ish... alone again stay at home..
then suddenly i dunno y.. go and see the bus ticket u knw wat i found ar... tmd... i saw the departure there write Kuantan and arrival there KL... i think for thousand time.. wth...
i now at KL y my arrival place still at KL diu... buy wrong ticket liao... fuck fuck fuck...
wait my sis back tell her... lol.. quickly again sit LRT frm Kelana Jaya to Dang Wangi..
change line to monorail... Bukit Nanas to Titiwangsa... when we arrived there 7 something..
they buka puasa already... f... wait wait wait them eat finish buy new ticket 2moro 2.30...
k fine.... sit back monorail to Time Square meet my sis frenz...
we go watch Piranha... lol.. this movie ar.. qi gek dou... u must watch ar... aiyo nice dao ar...
wahaha... and those sexy chicks... awww!!!!! it's hot dude.... i mean movie de hot chicks...
huish... buey tahan ar... lol dance here and there... deng... nice ar... bt the fish bite pl tat time.. fck lar... damn disgusting.... yucks!!!.. bt very nice... i like the last scene... the guy standing there..
say:" so where's their parents???".... FWAP!!!!... the papa piranha swallow.. the guy suddenly scare dao everyone... geng ar... wahaha...


after watching movie... lol... my sis frenz's say wan go drink "am mo teh" .. lol.. thought wat it is..
cheh... actually is beer lar... wahaha.. lol.. i under age neh... mana boleh masuk...
bt duno y can masuk wor... wahaha.. hav a great time with my sis frenz and my new kai 姐...
lols... order 2 carlsberg tower drink... lol. they still nt enough leh.. still order.. wat Flaming Lamborghini.. diao... walao gt fire de leh... ish dare nt drink cuz sure mabuk... lol.. we reli enjoy ourself... duno y.. suddenly say change place to Banana Boat... order again 1 tower of beer... fuck.
wahliao.. i goin mabuk liao.. bt still can dance here dance there... lol.. like clubbing leh...


wow!!! syok ar.. suddenly feel tat i'm nt Eric Lee tat time... lol.. ply until 4 something only go back hostel... phew tired... tmd... drive until halfway i reli mabuk gao gao ar... vomit beside road..
haiz... bobian... duno hw to drink bt wan experience new things... hehe... very fun ar...

lol... gonna go back 2day.... hahax... very tired.. wake up tat time so dizzy...
pack my stuff goin back le... we take LRT again to go bus station.... lols..
the moment we take monorail.. the time is around 2.17... means if we reach bus station.. the time is juz nice... bt who knws... the monorail stop half way... nia ma ar... wait for 15 minutes oni continue... diu late liao lor... ma hai ar... we sit bus de leh... fuck... tat time still rain so heavily..
the moment we reach there.. 2.38... sohai sohai sohai.... go ask the counter.. say go ady... fuck..
quickly find any bus tat go bck Ktn.. luckly still gt ticket for us... nia ma ar... my whole body all wet.. because of finding the fcking bus... ma chao hai... diu nia ma chi dao me ar..
hate it... waste liao so many tickets... 1st buy wrong, 2nd cant catch the bus... diu... lost liao 100 bucks for this fcking tickets... buey tahan ar... diu diu diu....