Tuesday, November 23, 2010


O YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the day b4 spm...
i go take my driving test... lol
early morning.. uncle come fetch me.. bibubibu...
skip skip skip... lazy write... cuz did many things...
o yea... is my turn.. yuhoo...
get up the car... naik bukit... xDDD!!!!!!...
huish.. cantik ar... xD... i'm so sexy.. !!!!!!!..
JPJ so lan c... jalan also dun wan say... use hand sign call me jalan..
cheh.. LAN C... hng...
yea.. parking time... turn turn turn.. done... xD...
I Am Dangerous... xP... lol.. this part all correct.. so happy...

bt leh.. things let me dulan is coming...
i am the last tat take the jalan raya test...
tmd.. moment i get up the car.. the chao bu JPJ.. look at me
like i kill his parents like tat... cheh...
mai care him.. do my things.. then drive drive drive...
Cibai lor... Steering turn nt enough.. kena others ppl de lane little bit nia..
fuyoh... he said to me... awak tau memandu tak... ==
nia ma... mesti tau lar... kalau tidak macam mana test o.. sohai..
bt i dare nt say lar... xD...
he told me.. awak tau awak sudah makan lane orang lain tak..
lol i juz nw i kena ppl de lane.. nvr makan ppl de lane lor..
hw makan o.. u makan lor.. CB... brainless..
still tell me.. awak tau saya boleh fail awak tak...
deng... i bobian lor.. diam diam then smile at him..
niama.. hou sum zok lui piak... he scold bak me...
awak gelak lagi... GELAK LAGI!!!!!!!!!!...
wah tmd.. i totally speechless.. smile also cannot..
u sohai meh... bagi orang tiu lar... sot pluk...
mai care him... i drive mine... bt i scare dao dare nt drive fast liao..
whole journey drive 40km/h nia... walao eh... nvm saya pemandu berhemat.. xD
finally arrive destination.. luckly he still give me pass.. i wan to thank this jpj also lar..
giving me pass... THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!... although i veli dulan u lor... xD
and u knw wat... I PASSED!!!! xD

2day uncle pass the licence to me.. tyty.. so happy.. xD...
and 2day de exam can say.. okok lor... nt veli good for essay...
anyway.. yeah i am happy...