Sunday, July 4, 2010


early morning..
ride motor to siang's house...
phew... so cool ... freezing
went to Bukit Pelindung...
organize by PPS...
juz follow them climb up and went down to TC....
the road reli slippery lorh.. wahliao.. nearly pok gai ar..
wakaka... siang de leg kena twist dao... so cham..
luckly nt very serious...
they prepare breakfast for us...
we ate McDonald...
siang dun wan eat, so he gave me his burger...
1 person 2 burger... wow... 100% satisfaction...
en.. nice nice...

went back to Siang's house rest 4awhile...
sleep from 10 o clock to 1 o clock... wahliao
so tired o...

around 2 pm, i drive to tern's house...
wait for kai vern and hendriq...
then fetch us to go swimming...
haha... so nice ar...very funny ar...
all so pro except me... T.T... sad...
dun care larh... enjoy myself can le..
swim until 5.30.... then go back le

around 6 pm... drive again to East Coast Steamboat...
celebrate Mun's Birthday.... take take take...
lok .. lok .. lok... eat eat eat... so suang... eat so many seafood...
bt the tomyam there sucks man... dun reli like the tomyam...
the soup nt bad... hehe... around 10 something... drive back home...
wth the moment i want go back.. heavy rain wor...
haiz dun care le... juz drive... after arrive home...
all wet... wahliao.. so cool neh... very very cool ar... bt hen suang
first time...reli enjoying myself 2day... haha

erm lastly... i juz wanna wish Mun... Happy Birthday o ^^...
can go hear amali.. learn driving le... gratz gratz