Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hang gai~~~

haiz.. nowadays lazy update blog sia.. reli veli lazy le..
mood is juz getting bad and bad.. sien..==

woke up... tidy up myself...
then.. go Johor wit my family...
i remember last time wherever i go any place.. i'll feel exciting
bt duno y this time... juz ok ok oni.. cuz i duno there gt wat to ply...
pack my stuff... and start our journey... few hours inside the car.. so sien..
juz sleep sleep and sleep... boringgggggg...
around 1 something reach JB... bt 2 something oni check in... ==
walao eh... the road change so many le... always go wrong way.. diao...
round le few times... wao.. nearly whole JB round finish lor...
round until tak boleh tahan... stop the car ask teksi driver bring us go...
deng bu sun... finally reach le... The Zon Regency Hotel... walao eh..
the building suddenly became so colourful.... haiz dun care... juz check in
and rest.. the moment we step in the lobby.. fuyoh.. big like sai...
the bell boy at there sibe good sia... wan earn our money...xD
the moment i take my luggage... walao.. automatic de...
they will come and say... afternoon sir, mind i help u take ur luggage to ur room...
fuyoh... ok lor... xD...and he said.. this way sir, follow me... ><... happy sia... like hou lan ba bai like tat... go in the lift... take the card swipe.. press the floor... still nid swipe card.. clap clap... he bring us to our for us... do everything for us... wakao... good... good job... giv tips to him... and we juz rest... below shopping complex duty free de leh... xD fast fast go and see gt wat so cheap... aicheh... normal lor.. cheap little bit nia... night time... i love the background of the hotel... full of lights... so nice... and some oldies music... aiyor... tan sei ngo lor... zan ar... i love this hotel...
day time~~

day time~~

night time~~

night time~~

lane to my room~~

my dad brought us to go find his lou yau...
haiz so pity my dad's lou yau... he old le.. still tio kidney failure...
i remember last time i go see him tat time.. wao.. so healthy..
now... weak le... bt still very alert... bt his wife and son haiz... bad dao boom...
knw he old le.. sick le... juz leave him and move to other place...
pity him 1 person live in tat house... haiz... his son more diu...
say him nvr giv him money use b4, nvr take care of him... ni lao mu...
nvr take care of u... u nw wont so dai gao sui lor... chao ci bai... nia bu ar...
buey tahan this kind of chok sang.. nia meh ar... treat own father lke tat...
SOHAI!!!!!!!!!!... later on.. he bring us go hang gai.. eat here eat there...
haha... enjoying sia... although he is weak.. bt he still persist say wan to take us go...
wao.. so gam dong... T^T... God bless him sia... he still treat my family so many things..
kelian he no work le still wan treat us... haiz... he bring us go many many place...
then night time we send him back to his house... xD...

woke up... then pack pack our belongings... check out... then come back le..
ply le so many days... its time.. bck to study le... God bless me i get good grades in SPM ba...