Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas~~

24/12/2010 Christmas Eve...

hey guys... updating blog 2day le... 1 month le didn't update... xD.. hahax
time passed so fast and Christmas is coming... bt nthing much happen 2day... juz like normal life..
bt since i moved to near airport de house... wow... i reli feel myself like a orang kampung ady....
feel like myself is separating frm city life... hmmm... life is so boring... hmmm...
night time... 3 of my frenz.. siang, billy, and issac... came to my house... wow.. so damn far they also
can come... reli thnx lar... for being a 1st batch frenz tat visited my house tat is so bloody far.. haha
tat night... we go bought some snacks and chips and nt least oblong burger too..xD.. its too nice for us... and we ate it with the matching of red wine... perfect match.... wow... drink until all siao siao especially issac... like getting very serious wasted... pity... then we chit-chat until 1 something... tak boleh tahan liao... head starting dizzy.. 3 of them slept at my house.. hahax... we thought of being "ma pou".. 4 of us sleep together bt my bed too small enough for 2 ppl only.. bobian poor ppl no money buy big bed de... last we split in 2 another 2 slept at others room... xD... hahax... we have a perfect night... xD...

25/12/2010 Merry Christmas

hey.. Merry Christmas guys... May God bless u all in the new year.... 2day is the birth date of Jesus... we celebrate the born of Jesus... so morning... my frenz packing thing then go back home.. then i went to church wit mum to praise the Lord... wow... so crowdy the church 2day...
full of ppl... hope everyone is getting blessed tis day... we sang songs... pray to God... and even take the Holy Communion... and the priest explain to us about Who is Jesus actually...
then we have our lunch at the church... bt 2day no turkey instead a big lamb... wow... damn
this is extreamly perfect... the meat+ gravy... aiyooo... mou dak deng ar... nice dao... buey tahan
love it.... afternoon.. accompany my cousin sister go buy his working shirt at ECM... fck... full of ppl... damn many... search for parking also quite long le.... luckly still can get 1.. my god...
Night time... went out again wit my 3 frenz... go TC... hahax... hmm... hang gai.. get some sea breeze... eat mcflurry... see leng lui... bt very little... i think eve tat time will be more...
then goin back home le... kelian de issac duno y... suddenly kena snow spray by ppl...kelian...
nvm lar... at least we hav fun... hahax... k lar tats all for this Christmas... hope everyone blessed by God.. Halleluya... Bye...