Thursday, October 1, 2009

Cousin's Wedding

27/09/09 my cousin's wedding.. late post cuz phone line corrupted cant surf net sigh~

haiz i'm quite pity with my cousin when he went to take over his bride.. as u all knw chinese culture
b4 take over the bride, must go frm mission by mission prepared by the sisters.. lol

The first thing they nid to do is wear a xxL size adult napkin " walao so damn funny".. luckly nt me
some wear until halfway drop out also dunnoe... lol :D

Second thing eat mantou, the first sight i saw the mantou i knew there's goin to be a tears scene happen... inside the mantou green like the hulk skin.. no nid i say u also knw wats inside.. lol.. i reli cant imagine hw they gonna eat.. bt they do to hav to eat haiz.. i saw everyone eyes fill with tears juz like a baby wearing napkin crying excatly the same...

Third thing worst pull leg hair.. aiyo nearlly half of the hair gone off reli pity with the brothers
haiz i also dun wan say... very kelian

As they go on reli nthing is good... this shows that girl is very scary.. reli if for me, i sure tak boleh tahan dy.. i cant write out all the activity cuz too long... juz random pick bt in the end all lost their appetite cuz of eating various kind of super spicy food...

Last thing is wedding dinner.. nthing interesting inside so no nid mention too much inside juz eat eat and eat...

After wedding dinner cousin took me to Relax Cafe celebrate and thats all..
Bye :D