Sunday, December 20, 2009

Japan Customer~

Hi again everyone...
As usual i hav 2 .... and work... :D
2day special a bit, do full shift....
lol... 11.30 break for lunch wit Billy...
duno wanna eat wat liao so decided to eat waffle...
eat finish le nt full wor... haiz sure lorh..
2 piece of thing can make our tummy full impossible bah...
so go hang gai see gt wat eat....
Ei... found 1 shop we nvr eat b4 de..." Hot n Roll"
muahaha... ok larh eat this...
Order 2 chicken bbq pratha for us... RM 7.80..$$$
Walao... nice dao.. delicious dao... "mou dak deng".. very very nice...
eat finish le.. still very early wor.. go where leh???
haha buy kaya ball... RM2.00...$$$$... hot hot hot...

After eat.. continue work.. skip skip skip

here comes the japan customer.....
he want to buy a luggage bag... then he chosen 2 kind of it...
1 is the handle is made frm plastic another 1 is the handle made frm cloth
he ask which 1 is better???
the promoter suggest to him tat the cloth is better and he ask y....
his Eng is nt tat fluent and mix up wit some japanese...
quite hard to understand wat he is trying to say...
So the travellite promoter called Billy and Me to help them...
so we walk there to see wat happen lorh...
i juz translate wat the promoter told me...
every answer is the promoter told me de

Jp guy :" tis and tis which 1 is better???"
me :" the cloth is better than the plastic"
Jp guy :" y???"
me :" cuz the plastic easy to break"
Jp guy :" y easy break???"
me :" speechless"
Jp guy :"which part easy break???"
me :" the whole plastic thing"
Jp guy :" so thick impossible easy break"
me :" speechless"
Jp guy :" uv???"
me :" wat uv??"

he wrote in a piece of paper... uv=ultraviolet
i said in my heart... does our conversation related wit uv???
y is he mentioning uv??? i nvr answer his question...

Jp guy :"i juz nid to knw y tis is better than tis???"

i explain for about thousand times and he still cant even get wat the hell am i talking
walao... my voices is raising and raising.... so many ppl come and see our conversation
even the supervisor... he keep asking me y y y.... tmd... i very dulan dy tat time...
i've tried many word to let him understand wat the hell i'm talking bt he cant even get it..
we also gave him many answer about y the plastic is easier to break... and he said u gt watch drama??? u r like them ur answer is funny... tmd... ccb...mcb...
at last he still said we're like complaining him... diu... who wan complain u o... u duno eng go bck ur japan master it first then only come here show lorh... nia seng... i explained to u so many u still say me acting... fck off larh...
Finally he stand there for 1 hour only decide to buy which 1... alamak.. lazy serve him dy...
go bck my own department... T.T