Friday, December 11, 2009

Eat "Ji Dan" ~

long time didn't update blog ler...
i also duno y...juz nthing to write...
so let me juz talk about 2day at working bah...

2day leh... i work frm 1pm to 10pm... quite long de time...
bt duno y.. suey dao .... 1 thing also cannot sold out... my promoter sold out 4 things.. and i eat zero
she still call me 2day at least nid sold out RM1000... wth... RM0.10 also cannot ar
haiz... bad luck... whole day standing there... still kena HD "niao" say us grouping..
wat larh.. I still remember he told us :" Satu kali lagi saya nampak kamu semua kumpul macam ini ... saya terus ambil nama kamu semua." Fck i so scare... diao ni lao bu larh..tmd

forget it... i also cannot get commission y so "bok miang"...

bt 2day also quite happy de larh... saw someone special.... wit Billy at KFC
cant tell u guys who the person is... secret..hehe...

tats all le... bb guys