Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sweet Dream~

I took my nap tis afternoon...
first time ever i dream during nap...
normaly i have my dream only when i sleep...
nvm the point is nt this...

the point is first time i dream during nap cause a very nice dream...
i love tis dream man..
feel like dream it again....
i cant reli describe all the dream tat had happened...
cuz i juz remember some of the scene that flashback in my memory...
btw i'm nt goin to say out in here cuz it's a top secret...
the only thing i can say is i reli became very brave inside tis dream..
i now only believe that 日有所想,夜有所梦 is true... :D

Only god, me and my soul know tis..haha
O ya, Billy u maybe will know it...
if u use ur brain and think wat i've told u so far when we work...
and wat i've think during work so far... until u felt
the hint is " yellow fat guy".....
btw when u figure it out plez still keep it as a top secret k...
I do cherish wat had happen in tis dream...

Thnx God.. thnx for giving me such a sweet dream ever... Thnx :D