Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Get a job~

Hi again guys...
exam left 2 days and gonna say its over le...
2day nvr go school cuz nt my subject to exam...
so decided to find a job for this school holiday...

My friend Jenn Yeu and I went to Parkson to find job...
1st time ever i open my mouth to ask 4 job...
cuz normally is my frenz ask de... lol
dunnoe y dun have the guts to ask..haiz
nvm forget it...

First thing i do, go to any store department that wanna hire us...
1st time ask ny gt liao.. hehe happy :D
then they ask us to fill in form.. do all the procedure...
sign here sign there... then straight go interview.. haha so fast
then bring us to the interview place...
walao i wait for the interviewer for about 1 hours man..haiyo 'sienz'
Finally is our turn to interview..

Open the door, sit down... the interviewer very straight man!!!..
Juz sit ny.. she said if u wanna work here u better go cut ur hair..FCK..she said image man..image
Me now very yong suey meh... Bleh
k fine cut jiu cut lorh.. She explain all the rules say this say that... yayayaya...
white uniform, black trousers, belt, black tie, leather shoe... haiz many things..
Finally get the job... Next tuesday start... Quite Happy!!!
Dulan is nid cut hair.. haiz thought school holiday can keep.. disappointed T.T
Haiz hair gonna short again le... sad