Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mid year Exam~

finally, mid year exam started le...
i juz duno y... juz like nt feeling to face tis exam...
haiz... cuz nw scare Sej and Add Math...
this 2 subjects makes me mad...
until nw 2years studying Sej... i still duno wat the heck is Sej talking...
i juz knw i form 4 study Islam only... ==
form 5... non of it... i totally duno....
hw to exam??? still gt structure and esei... i reli duno hw to do...
add math leh, always forgot those formula.. and the question so tricky.. hadui...
u all also knw geh larh.. my brain so simple... think wat, do wat also simple ge larh..
the question twist, my brain hang... haiz... lousy brain.... zzz

about 2day leh... the fucking chinese ar... aiyor... paper 1 still ok ar...
paper 2 ar... i reli duno wat the fucking shit is the paper talking o...
2 bai hua wen talking about 小屋 and 阿公 cibai ar... wat lai de o???
the wen yan wen ar... diu nia seng lorh... totally nt understand... jiao jiao betul...
tis ppl 曰, tat ppl 曰 chao ci bai... benda u nak cakap ni... tak faham tau...
the 名句 haiz dun mention le... tis wan i lazy nvr read, my fault....
suan liao lar... 2moro BM le... hope can do well... jyjy Eric... xP