Sunday, May 2, 2010

Amali Day~

wuhuhu... boring day...
woke up super early 2day kelian de... sunday also cannot sleep longer abit...
haiz... bobian...nid to go for amali classes...

arrived there... sei lorh... incharge me de ppl absent 2day.. wtf... i duno wat to do leh..
1 ppl walk here walk there.. haiz.. luckly still gt 1 counter.. fast fast go ask where is motor de amali class.. the moment i step in the class.. wahliao... all malays... juz me chinese only... alamak...
haiz.. dun care larh.. fast fast go sit first...
later on class started.. skip skip skip

rest 45 minutes... aiyo i duno where to go larh... nobody accompany.. so lonely...
sit at there.. luckly gt ppl pui me.. if nt i die liao.... cannot tell u all larh... xP
sit for 45 minutes, imagine.... later class start again...
after 1 hour rest again... wth... this time more long 1 and a half hour...
fuyoh.... i'm dead... want me lonely how long o...
once again sit at the bench.. sms-ing... adui.. this feeling reli nt good man...

skip skip skip

this wan reli nice.. after amali classes... test drive motor at the route prepared...
aiyer.. the motor at there.. haiz duno hw to say... lau kiap lar... hard to turn..
riding tat time... whole motor feel like going to hancur... aiya...
2day testing tat time let me feel tat quite hard to test and get license P...
sei lorh.. i dun wan fail at my motor test o... plez...
later on after test drive.. go back le... wahliao... tired dao buey tahan...