Monday, April 26, 2010

Bbq Day~

wat a disappointed day....
haiz.. cuz of raining... our bbq spot frm beach change to my house...
wt... haiz.. pity kai vern desperate for so long.. raining wor... haiz sry larh kai vern..
nt we dun wan make bbq at beach.. bt u see the weather lorh.. hehe

so siang drove everyone came to my house...
lol.. how to bbq???.. dun hav stove.. fine.. fried it..
bt the taste is still so goood.. babe..
so all of us hang out at my house..
wah.. i'm still the first time riding motorcycle during raining day without helmet and license.. >.<>

later on, siang took us go TC after the rain stop... kar che reli duno wat die means.. wanna challenge me running at shore see who fast wor... haiyo, he still duno who am i... aiyak... lol.. first round 4 ppl running.. me 1st.. kar che last.. haiz... thought he very fast jek.. second round 3 ppl running... me 1st.. kar che last again... adui... kar che u reli very lauyar lorh...

then, until me suey le... my frenz they trying to throw me down to the sea.. wat the.. the knew i dun have clothes to change still wanna throw me.. reli.. duno hw to say.. i struggle here and there... i reli thought that time .. i gonna be in water le.. luckly, i manage escape jek.. haiyo bt my pants all wet liao.. kanasai...

around 3 something, we came back and i nid go tuition le... boring... felt asleep during tuition... xP... too tired.. night time... go gym... today like very "bok miang" like that.. haha.. anyway very tired today... thats all for 2day...