Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hang Out~

Sat... 3/4/10

went to ECM watch movie and "hang gai" wit my frenz....
we're hurrying cuz scare no more ticket to sell
bcuz lift too many ppl... btw.. we r lacking of time..
so we decided to use the stairs...
nt bad r 3 of us... Billy, Siang and Me...
our speed is faster than the lift...
i think nt more than 1 minutes bah...
frm ground floor to 3rd floor.... bt very tired... haha

3 of us still thinking wat movie to watch...
finally, decided to watch Beauty on Duty....
wahliao.. this movie 有够 nice 咯....
so damn funny... i reli gave this movie 5 star lorh...
sibe nice .. sibe funny... sibe sexy ar....
好好笑的咯... reli must watch if u guys gt chance....
i guarantee no regret after watching...


b4 we watch movie sure is go KTV de larh...
our favourite... sang 2 hours.. so gek ar...
sibe high ooo... wahaha...

after watching movie... go buy present for Brandon and Jern Hui...
decided to buy watch for them... wahaha.. walk for few shops...
finally back to the first shop... cheaper mah...

then we split le... Siang, Billy, and Me go SAND set our hair...
wahliao quite expensive de leh... dun care ler... first time.. nvr try b4..

Night time... go to Brandon's and Jern Hui's pool side birthday party.. hehe..
is fun man... bt quite hot... wah.. my back like juz bath like tat.. wet de..
btw.. quite lucky de leh me.. still can get lucky draw leh...
wahaha.. happy happy...

later on, go toilet take photo wit my frenz...





and tats all for 2day...