Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I Got It ~

hi guys... long time didnt update blog le... wahliao... miss sia...

2day woke up 8 o clock...
then ride motor to driving school... cuz nid take kelayakan for licence P test...
damn nevous... cuz scare if i fail this kelayakan... means i cannot take my licence P test...
b4 goin to driving school.. pray to God so hard so that i can pass my kelayakan....

arrived there... i go and make all those procedure for kelayakan...
sign here sign there... so many things to sign... haha...
Then, wait for time to make kelayakan... while waiting.. i reli discover 1 thing...
Frm i hear amali, learn motor until i take kelayakan... there's only me 1 cinese taking this licence...
fuyoh.... wat the heck o... haiz... no choice... my frenz lorh... haiz.. lazy mention ar....

wait wait wait... finally is time for kelayakan... i got number 3...
then wait for my turn... wahliao sibe nervous ar... the ketua jurulatih goin to judge us...
haiyo, his face ar... fierce dao ar... tiger see dao also run ar.... T.T

i so scare when passing the titi that time.. my motor tyre fell down i die...
luckly... i do quite well in this time kelayakan.. Finish bahagian 2 and Bahagian 3.. i go take my result.... wahaha... i passed.. yuhoooooooo.... so happy ooooooooo..... yey...
happy so early for wat larh... still nt yet get P.... this only kelayakan nah...
hehe... no choice lorh... hapi mah... wakaka...

Bahagian 2 result... wrong 1 nia... hehe

Bahagian 3 result.... wrong 1 also... wakaka...