Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I'm Back... semester break~

1st month at Pekan Penor Kem...

Hi guys... i'm back wahaha... walao eh... finally wait until tis day le
damn miss all of u guys leh... xD... hmm...
In this 1st month... conclusion is sien 1 word..
mayb cuz of still at class the whole day... imagine... class until 4.30 pm...
walao eh.... tak boleh tahan o...
the first day i at kem, reli damn miss home... hope to go back home ASAP...
1 day at tat kem feel like 1 month... bt nw ok le... cuz i use to it ady...
i cannot reli say tat PLKN is nt gud... actually the program nt bad lar...
juz abit boring in class and tak habis habis with Persembahan and Lakonan... aduhai...
i hate acting and presenting in my life... bt at kem i reli feel tat i;m nt myself at all..

about the food at kem... next time i will post some picture for u all 2 see hw nice the food is..
xD... nt totally nt nice bt still ok lar... bt veli geli lor... haiz no choice... i dun wan to die at there...

dorm... haiz... duno ar... u all see urself ba... u feel ok jiu ok lor...
bt many strange thing happen around our male dorm... u all knw de lar no nid i mention
reli make me every night cannot sleep well cuz too scare of this thing...

in this month my kem also happen some fighting kes... all of us especially boys always kena
denda... go in Lubuh Puaka (Longkang) or sai sian yu... tmd... damn suffering.. nvr do also kena..
pek cik ar... bt nw fighting kes very less ady... luckly

1 more thing... cigarette is prohibited in this kem... and so cigarette is 1 of the thing tat can earn many money inside... cuz many ppl tak boleh tahan... those ppl can sell 3 cigarette for RM27 imagine... 1 box 20cigarette only RM 10... earn dao siao... sell 1 carton can buy 1 box whole of carton.... qi ma gan... luckly i didn't smoke.. if nt sure pok gai...

hmm... juz hope tat now can do outdoor activity more.... and tats all for this... hehe... wait 13 March i will write more about my life in NS ba... xD...

My Dorm~~~

look at my botak look... T^T



Han said...

haha...botak boy!!!!!!!