Saturday, January 2, 2010

Last day of 2009 ~ First day of 2010

Lol... hi guys...
tis time late update le..
cuz nt free recently... bz day... now work liao still so buzy...
luckly 2day still gt time update blog....

My parents go out for dinner le....
left me, my sis and my cousin....
2day i nid cook for myself cuz nobody cook for me... T.T
quite nice de... XD... no 100% nice also gt 70% delicious... :D
then, i also duno y larh... my sis suddenly tell me later go TC countdown lorh...
cuz at home too boring le wit my cousin.. so we agreed.. bt i think who's gonna fetch us??
none of us know hw to drive.. ooo... my sis de frenz....
my sis told me 10.30 ny go.... so i wait lorh...
tmd... say 10.30 wth 8 something come liao..
fck.. nt yet tidy up myself leh...
adui no time le scare ppl waiting.. shit...
my hair tat time suck man.... aiyo like " tong san apek" ...
sei lor... whole time no mood liao... :(


i duno hw to say.. juz can say nid 1 parking nid wait about half an hour..
walao... "people mountain people sea" translate to chinese...XD
many ppl like hell.. bt many chio bu... bt where gt mood see chio bu larh...
my whole image like kena ppl raped... :(
wah bt reli cant denied tat reli many chio bu...

still gt arh... those malay hai... so ji bai...
1 gang riding bicycle round here round there...
shout here shout there.. like sohai like sakai.. noob

5...4...3....2....1.. Happy New Year!!!!!
still gt fireworks leh... haiz... me 17 years old le nt full larh...
jyjy to me bah tis year..
sei lorh.. nid open school liao... no mood... maybe next time less online le..
around 3 something then only go back... tired bt fun+ no mood...
come bck home.. sleep..zzzzzzzzz very tired ....

and tats the end of 2009...
welcome to my life 2010...

k le.. blog updated... and bb