Monday, January 11, 2010

WTF~ i guest sure is malay pig...

Pity Me....
Yesterday.. Sunday i at home feel so boring leh...
so i called my mum go buy my shirt for C.N.Y.... so i prepared myself...
then we went to Mega.... choose... choose and choose...
Finally, i bought a jeans cost RM150 and the shirt i like the most tat cost RM50
i felt so happy cuz i reli like both of tis.... k fine....

Later, when we done our shopping... sure larh go back home....
wah... i cant reli denied tat my feeling is so happy...
cuz the shirt is too nice for me....

Night time... my mum took my new shirt and jeans to wash and hang it ouside....
cuz she lazy wake up early to wash clothes..

Next Morning... while i was sleeping... my mum woke me up
saying Eric! Eric! ur new clothes u yesterday bought de and the clothes u wear yesterday
all gone... gt ppl stole ur clothes and jeans and every shirt of urs...
Waliao... i jump down frm my bed, ran downstair... pull the curtain and look...
Holy Shit.... my shirt all gone... Jesus Christ... Mother Mary.... My Lord....

whole morning... i felt so emo... i nt even wear it for 1 hour and now ppl stole ady...
ayor... heart so pain... i count the price of all the shirt and pants.... tat had been stolen
.... RM600++ ... fuck... all my nice nice de shirt left 1 set nia... ARRRRR!!!!!
Dulan Ar..... yor... cibai... so i guess in my area...
juz all those fucking malays... like to stole ppl things....
sleep at the playground.... like sakai

i no money buy new shirt liao lorh... sei malai hai... cibai lar lu....