Sunday, March 21, 2010

Goin KL~

Wed 17/March/2010

Woke up 6 something... prepared my stuff... then go bus station wit my sis...
gotta accompany my sis go KL cuz nid to find college for her... our parents didn't followed us...
so i had to sacrifice my time to accompany her...

Around 11am.. arrived Pekeliling bus station... called my "biao jie" pick us up...
after picking us.. we have our lunch... " ew the food sucks yucks"...
later... we go find college le...

First college.. SEGi University College... wah so big... bt abit like mosque leh... a huge onion...
inside reli very big... wao... we nearlly lost our way... bt still manage to find a counselor..
nt bad huh... around 1 hour+ finally talk finished le.. phew... bt this college kinda many negro...
bt the facilities inside consider nt bad larh...

Second college... KBU... i lazy write about wat happened inside... juz kinda same like SEGi..
ask this ask very " lau yar" leh... nt many courses... juz 30 minutes we finished le...

walao sibe tired.. dun wan ask le... go shopping le.... then decided go 1U.....
walk walk walk... then eat again at 士林.... haiyo i ordered the oysters misua... omg i reli dun like
the taste and smell... bt tat is the popular 1.... juz testing mah....
the seafood tempura is nice... wah very full neh... then go walk walk again...
walk until halfway... guess wat i saw Siang leh.... wah.. at KL also can meet.... kei jek...

later on... went back hotel first... around 6 something come out again...
this time wit my "biao jie and her bf"... we went to eat 火炭炒 .... omg.. this is reli nice
very very nice... the smell is good... sibe nice ar... zan ar....

around 9 something.. duno go where le... dare not go shopping after nid use many money...
best place CC... wah... KL de CC best than Ktn de 100 times leh... so big ar... inside over 150 computers... the LCD screen big like hell... inside cool cool de... no smoking smell... clean+ class..

i played Left 4 Dead wit my biao jie... waliao "qi gek"+scary neh... those fucking zombie...
bt very nice we played so long leh... wit her bf three of us... my sis too scared dun wan play...
wahaha... until 3.00+ a.m then only go back sleep... reli sot liao ar... bt very nice+ enjoying..

Go back hotel sleep.... tats all for the first day...